The unofficial CircuitPython Reference



The else: statement is an optional default statement that follows an if, or elif statement or while, or for loop. The code contained in the else: block will only execute when the initial if and elif, while or for conditions are False. It is optional because it is not always necessary to have code that executes by default when a conditional statement is False.

Python allows the use of else after any conditional statement which makes it a perfect place to perform 'clean-up' tasks after exiting a while: or for: loop. When preceded by a while or for loop the else: statement is simply executed after the loop is finished.


if... else

if condition:

   code block


   code block  # only executes when if condition is False

if... elif... else

if condition:

   code block

elif condition2:

   code block


   code block   # only executes when all if... elif. conditions are False

while... else

while condition:

   code block



   code block  # executes when while loop completes

for... else

for x in iterable:

   code block


   code block  # executes when for loop completes



code block : any block of code indented any amount of space or tab stops


code block : Executes indented code block

example code

serial output: output:

a is greater than or equal to b

a is greater than b

b is equal to 5

b is equal to 4

b is equal to 3

b is equal to 2

b is equal to 1

while loop finished, resetting b

b is equal to 5

x is equal to 0

x is equal to 1

x is equal to 2

x is equal to 3

x is equal to 4

For loop finished

see also: